Ivanovo is a village located in the PanĨevo municipality, in the South Banat District of Vojvodina, Serbia. It has a population of 974 inhabitants. The Serbian name of the village means Ivan's place of residence. According to a legend, a Bulgarian Paulician man called Ivan Guran was the first to make his home in the present day territory of the village. The Hungariā€¦Ivanovo is a village located in the PanĨevo municipality, in the South Banat District of Vojvodina, Serbia. It has a population of 974 inhabitants. The Serbian name of the village means Ivan's place of residence. According to a legend, a Bulgarian Paulician man called Ivan Guran was the first to make his home in the present day territory of the village. The Hungarian and German names of the village mean place of residence of Alexander's church. Both names refer to Bishop of Csanád, Sándor Bonnaz, who had a major role in funding the local church, which had been built between 1889 and 1899.