Pull out those tights from your closet and grab your Aqua Net, The Hairband Experience is coming to Columbus. The heavy-metal ...
If you're a guitarist, our list of Top 20 Hair Metal Guitar Solos will give you quite a challenge. If you're just a fan, they ...
If somewhere in the cosmos there’s a heavy metal god wearing biker gear, controlling earthly events with a Flying V, the year 1980 must have been important to the long-haired deity. Before social ...
Hard rock and metal dominated throughout the '80s, and in hindsight, perhaps they owe much of that success to the stellar releases that kicked off the decade. Read about all of these and more in ...
Behemoth paid homage to their hardcore fans on new single "The Shadow Elite." It's our Heavy Song of the Week.
There were some really shocking moments in rock and metal during the '70s, '80s and '90s. There are certainly some pretty shocking things that still happen in our world today. But when you look at ...
Given how much the music industry has changed and how hard it is to make a living in said industry these days, there certainly are a lot of metal bands from the 80s still chugging along. Why, in the ...
George Michael and Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit In the future, musicological historians will look back at the 1990s phenomenon of fusing heavy metal and ... In the late-80s and early-90s Ministry ...