In Amur, province of far-eastern Siberia, anti-Bolshevik troops were reputed to have seized the Government and to have declared Amur a free State. At Omsk, capital of Omsk Province in West Siberia ...
The vehicular bridge, which opened in the summer of 2022, spans the Amur River, connecting Heihe city in China's Heilongjiang province with Blagoveshchensk, the capital of Russia's Amur region.
TASS/. The construction of the Belogorsk-Khabarovsk gas pipeline connecting the Amur gas processing plant with the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas pipeline system will be completed in 2029 ...
Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia Alexander Kozlov approved The strategy for the conservation of the Amur tiger in the Russian Federation until 2034. The new edition of the ...
The amur leopard is considered to be facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild, with a 2007 census counting only 14-20 adults and 5-6 cubs in the south-western Primorye region of Russia.