Batman and the Joker are pretty much ideological opposites, but in the Absolute Universe Batman is going to make a very Joker-like choice.
Occasions when the 'Man' in Batman became more important than the 'Bat'. White House Announces Theme of Trump's Address to ...
He shows off a nihilistic side at this point ... using populist rage against the people who victimized him, and the Black Mask in Absolute Batman #5 is definitely cut out of the same mold.
Having used his seemingly bottomless well of men, weapons and brutality to beat Batman to a pulp and send him off to lick his wounds, Black Mask announces that the offer he gave Batman (accept $ ...
In a video published the day before, she offered Batman masks for just one shekel, limited to two per customer. "This video makes me choke up, a real lump in my throat, but I have to do it," she said.
Batman’s meeting with Black Mask and the Party Animals mirrors his ... So, it not only shows off that Absolute Batman’s cape is not to be messed with but also mirrors a critical event in ...