Figure 2. Longitudinal section through base of corn plant, showing fifth leaf attachment (at top of first noticeable elongated internode.) Growth stages AFTER tasseling are identified according to ...
Scouts should pay particular attention to the lower three leaves of the corn plant from the period just before tasseling to two weeks after tasseling. If at least 50% of plants in a field have disease ...
Corn yield results not from the number of plants in a field but rather the number of ears — photocopied ears of sufficient length and girth. Gaps in a stand and plants without ears contribute ...
When the corn begins to show tassels (strands at the top of the plant), wind blows the pollen from the tassels to the silks of the just-forming ears. That’s why it’s best to plant the corn in ...
Severe outbreaks of the disease can cause up to 30-50% yield loss in dent corn if the disease is established before tassel [1]. NCLB also causes significant ... Leaf blades, sheaths, and ear husks may ...
As the caterpillar eats, it tunnels into the corn plant. The second generation appears at tasseling or just past tasseling, burrows into the cornstalk or the ear, and feeds, damaging the stalk or ...
Dr. Fei Yang, UMN Corn Extension entomologist, joined UMN Extension Crops Educator Dr. Anthony Hanson for a discussion on corn insect pests. Dr. Yang provided an update on the current challenges ...