A power outage early Thursday in Port Huron is affecting nearly 1,000 customers and resulted in a school closing.
As of 4 a.m. on Thursday, just over 2,800 customers in the Sioux City area are still without power. Those outages scattered ...
LANSING — More than 1,000 Consumers Energy customers in northern Eaton and southern Clinton counties are without power Thursday morning. Consumers Energy's online outage map shows several outages in ...
Some utility companies provide an online outage map. A few of them are below.More ... Cooperative outage informationMap above: Xcel Energy power outage mapMap above: Otero County Electric Coop ...
"We encourage customers to plan for potential power outages later this week due to the weather," the utility company said ...
According to Duke Energy’s power outage map, 19 customers are without power as of 8:32 p.m. The tree fell along Wenwood Road, ...
More than 8,000 metro Denver customers were without power Tuesday night as high winds, rain and snow swept across the Front ...
Hundreds of thousands of homes are without power across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales as communities ...
Thousands of people lost power in downtown Durham on Saturday morning due to a crash. Traffic lights were also out on Duke ...
Xcel Energy crews are currently restoring power outages caused by a major windstorm in Texas and eastern New Mexico. The ...
Power companies across the Lower Peninsula offer multiple ways to report electric outages, see affected areas online.
High winds, blowing dust and red flag warning storm has left more than 50,000 without power across Lubbock, Amarillo areas.