Michigan residents who lost loved ones to COVID-19 want to make sure the human toll of the pandemic is never forgotten.
Members of the community were invited to stop in all day and light a candle in memory of their lost loved ones. (Photo by Stephanie Elverd) CALCUTTA — For those who have lost ones, the holidays are ...
The organization Marked By Covid has been pushing for a national memorial day for those who died during the pandemic. So far, Congress has failed to enact such a resolution.
LEESBURG — Imagine hundreds of butterflies fluttering at once on a spring afternoon. Their time is brief but their beauty makes a lasting impression. Last Mother's Day, Lisa Bolton, founder of ...
Paintings and portraits can help preserve the memory of lost loved ones — but a Kuna artist goes a step further by incorporating ashes into those works of art. “You hate to say you have a favorite dog ...
Here you can leave a photograph and a lasting message to a lost loved one, and the CancerCare team can place your light for you on the night. CancerCare invites people to join them at Lights to ...
Speaking at a memorial event in Staffordshire ... hundreds of thousands of people felt the sudden and unexpected loss of loved ones," he said. "Thanks to the expertise and care I received ...
As the world marks five years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a special memorial in Irving is ensuring that those lost are remembered.
Ms Gray said coming together with others who had lost loved ones during the pandemic brought some comfort - because they understood. She also praised the Memory Stones of Love project, which ...