TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations called on the international community to prevent Afghanistan from becoming a safe haven for terrorism. Addressing a meeting of the UN ...
Für RTL hat sich „Extra“-Reporterin Liv von Boetticher auf die Suche nach den 28 afghanischen Straftätern begeben, die im ...
In last August, Iran's commercial attaché in Afghanistan said that in order to improve Iran’s presence in Afghanistan's markets, the trade between the two countries should move towards newer models of ...
Der Iran schiebt täglich Tausende von Geflüchteten nach Afghanistan ab ... rechtlosen Status oft rücksichtslos ausgebeutet. Hetze gegen Flüchtlinge Mit "mehr als sechs Millionen Afghanen ...
Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi is welcomed by Afghan Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi, in Kabul, Afghanistan ... of Taliban rule by Tehran. Iran has so far abstained from doing so ...
Ruhollah Latifi said that Iran exported non-oil commodities valued at $1.972 billion to Afghanistan in the ten-month period. He said that Afghanistan was the fourth top export destination of Iranian ...
"Freiheitlich-demokratische Staaten müssen diese Welle der Exekutionen verurteilen und den wachsenden Widerstand im Iran gegen die Todesstrafe unterstützen. Es gilt, kurz- und langfristige Wege ...
including those who newly arrived in Iran following events in Afghanistan in 2021, through which some 2.6 million Afghans were registered. According to Iran, 500,000 undocumented Afghans did not ...