Florida's Wildlife Corridor expands as 17 parcels pass from private to public in the Fakahatchee, home to ghost orchids, ...
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis added more than 3,800 acres to SW FL conservation land, part of a 34,595 Wildlife Corridor acres ...
Florida wildlife officials checked on three Florida panther cubs, less than a month old, as part of conservation efforts.
Fox 4’s Austin Schargorodski reports on Florida approving 34,000 acres for conservation and why a conservationist says it may ...
The Florida panther, which is similar to but smaller than the Western cougar or mountain lion, once roamed across a large swath of the southeastern U.S. Hunting and habitat loss have decimated the ...
The Florida panther, which is similar to but smaller than the Western cougar or mountain lion, once roamed across a large swath of the southeastern U.S. Hunting and habitat loss have decimated the ...
The growing human population and accompanying development in southwestern Florida are encroaching on the panthers' habitat. Current estimates suggest only 120 to 230 adult Florida panthers remain ...
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his cabinet approved $26.75 million to purchase 3,818 acres of panther habitat. The land is located in Southwest Florida and will help connect existing conservation ...