KABUL, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Construction of a road has begun in Jalalabad city, the provincial capital of east Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, the state-owned Bakhtar news agency reported on Friday.
The Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MoRRD) announced on Thursday it had signed a 143-million AFN agreement ...
KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MoRRD) has signed a 143-million afghanis agreement ...
In 1978, a year before the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, Russian archaeologist ... At the time of the burials, Bactria was on the Silk Road that linked China with the West, a region ...
He urged international community to find additional ways for long-term reconstruction and infrastructure development in Afghanistan. The Prime Minister said Pakistan is committed to facilitate ...
The N-40 National Highway, which is the main route between Pakistan and Iran, remained shut for the ninth consecutive day as ...
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser says peace in Afghanistan is imperative for regional economic development and ...