But while the devil's appearance was concerning ... Mr Irons said the video shone a light on the plight of the Tasmanian devil. "If everyone who was touched by this … took one step to do ...
The Tasmanian devil named Adventurous Lisa was released into a 1,000-acre wildlife sanctuary in Australia's Barrington Tops by Chris Hemsworth and his wife, Elsa Pataky. After 3,000 Years Away ...
Tasmanian devils are active at night and hide in dens or bushes during the day. They can roam up to 16 km in search of food ...
A year after that announcement, the club has now unveiled Rum'un, who takes the form of a giant - and terrifying - Tasmanian devil. The costume, which weighs 12kg, has an interesting story ...
It is hard to envisage a more terrifying mascot than what Tasmania revealed to the world via a disturbing interpretative ...