The map below shows the location of Algiers and Montreal. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
Vietnamese Ambassador to Algeria Tran Quoc Khanh has paid a working trip to Touggourt and Ouargla provinces to enhance ...
While spring brings a flurry of openings around town, sadly there are also multiple closings this month. Here are the ...
An iftar ceremony at the Grand Mosque is attracting a dramatic turn of events as the media is suspecting tensions between ...
Rightward shift of the French political class and persistence of ‘colonial unconscious’ are contributing to mounting tensions ...
The map below shows the location of Istanbul and Algiers. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
Valletta, the capital city of Malta, is a treasure trove of architecture and is a warm 22C in March making it an ideal Spring ...
For most of us, stepping onto a plane is routine– buckle up, take off, and land safely at our destination. But for some, that ...
Expected to attract over 35,000 visitors from 140+ countries, IATF2025 serves as the foremost marketplace for the African ...
Preparations are on course for the Intra-African Trade Fair 2025 (IATF2025), Africa’s premier trade and investment event that will be held in Algiers, Algeria from 4th to 10th September 2025.
Etihad Airways has added a third daily flight between Abu Dhabi and Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO), increasing the service to 21 flights per week, the national carrier of the UAE said.