Carmen Raymond es, sin duda, un ejemplo de talento y dedicación para todos los jóvenes almerienses. Su logro no solo es un ...
De siempre me ha apasionado la ciencia ficción, en especial en todo lo que tiene que ver con la exploración de las estrellas ...
El artista argentino vuelve a exhibir sus obras en el país a 50 años de su primera exposición individual y a más de 20 de su ...
Deep observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revealed an exceptionally large galaxy in the early ...
The new images, to be presented at an upcoming meeting of the American Physical Society, date back to when the universe was ...
Cuando The Big Bang Theory se estrenó en 2007, nadie imaginaba que se convertiría en una de las comedias más exitosas de la historia de la televisión. Durante 12 temporadas, el show creado por ...
We are the Universe trying to understand itself. How, and why, did we come to be? Why does the Universe take the shape it ...
The final results from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope offer the sharpest, most sensitive view of the early cosmos that ...
A map of the CMB published by ACT researchers. Research by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope collaboration has led to the ...
Cosmic microwave background data support cosmology’s standard model but retain a mystery about the universe’s expansion rate.
The Wisconsin men's basketball team had to play an additional game in the Big Ten tournament due to losing tiebreakers to league rivals. That included a defeat to a team that has never been a rival.