The Green Bay Metro Fire Department has played an active role in planning and overseeing the NFL Draft campus in a proactive ...
This year’s NFL Draft is coming to Wisconsin. Green Bay will host the event from Thursday, April 24, through Saturday, April ...
While northeast Wisconsin law enforcement is no stranger to protecting large crowds, the NFL Draft will bring an ...
The Packers Everywhere Draft Haus outside Lambeau Field will allow visitors to "immerse themselves in Wisconsin culture." ...
It was packed at The Pancake Place in Green Bay on Sunday, and that doesn’t even include the lighting equipment and cameras being used by ESPN.
The three-day celebration will test the limits of the city's capacity to pick up the expected large amount of litter and keep ...
GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — More than 300 volunteers are needed for a day of environmental stewardship in Green Bay. The city ...
Before Green Bay becomes the center of the football world, the city is hosting a community-wide event to make it even greener ...
Forget the glam of Las Vegas and the rush of metro Detroit; the NFL Draft in Green Bay will feel like coming home.
To keep all those people safe is expected to cost the city of Green Bay more than $1 million. “We’re very happy to take on some financial burden, just given the community benefit, the larger statewide ...
On Wednesday, the Green Bay Clerk’s Office announced the various license deadlines for food trucks, direct sellers, and ...
The first-time event on April 23 at Schreiber Foods will also feature Packers greats, including Jerry Kramer, Miss America ...