Els avis materns han quedat en llibertat. Segons el seu advocat, Josep Maria Santacana, la mare del nadó, de 19 anys, ha dit davant el jutge que la mort va ser accidental. Al seu torn ...
Should You Give the Moon Rock to Josep or the Giftbearer in Memory of the Deep in Avowed? To get the most out of Memory of the Deep in terms of rewards, you should give the Mysterious Meteorite ...
Then, you’ll have to decide if you should give the mysterious meteorite to the Giftbearer or Josep Abaccio? Our Avowed guide will provide a full “Memory of the Deep” walkthrough, including ...
According to the above data, the selective agonists of the GABA-A receptor complex are the drugs of first choice in the drug treatment of insomnia. [22] Once treatment has started, monitoring and ...
Even if you're not keen on visiting the touristy Las Ramblas, it's worth making the trek to this tree-lined thoroughfare to reach the foodie heaven that is the Boqueria Market. This was Barcelona ...
A principis d’any es donava per fet que Ripoll, gràcies a Junts i ERC, tindria pressupostos. Les ordres donades des de Barcelona ho varen frustrar. Només la moció de confiança els podia aprovar. Quan ...