Michael Sheen is returning to lead Nye and additional cast members have today been revealed. The play, written by Tim Price ...
Hollywood actor Michael Sheen has said he hopes his new children's book will get the next generation talking about ...
Michael Sheen was called a "hero" by viewers as he helped hundreds of people clear debt in his new documentary Michael ...
The documentary "Michael Sheen's Secret Million Pound Giveaway" sees the Welsh actor pay off the debt of 900 strangers. He ...
It comes after Sheen recently bought £1 million of debt belonging to hundreds of people in South Wales for Channel 4’s Secret ...
Michael Sheen’s net worth, career, and philanthropy prove he’s more than just an actor; he’s a force for change.
The 'not-for-profit actor' has changed the lives of 900 strangers by wiping out their debt in a Channel 4 documentary.
Michael Sheen has been praised by fans for clearing £1million of debt for 900 people by digging deep into his own pocket. The ...
Actor Michael Sheen has bought £1 million ($1.3 million) of his neighbors’ debts and written them off using £100,000 ...
Actor Michael Sheen is on a mission to make the credit industry in the UK fairer for the most vulnerable and who could object ...
Michael Sheen has been a mainstay on our screens for a number of years but his latest role is perhaps the biggest of his ...
Hollywood actor Michael Sheen established a debt acquisition company and paid off the loans of 900 people from his local are ...