Her decision to hide Moses and later place him in the Nile was ... Additionally, some propose that his time in Midian may have affected his fluency in Egyptian, contributing to his hesitation.
Perth's Nasir Mosque, the largest in Western Australia, welcomed approximately 300 guests from diverse faiths and backgrounds ...
Our Torah portion begins with the story of Jethro [a priest of Midian], father-in-law of Moses, who, after hearing about the splitting of the Red Sea and the war against Amalek, decided to join ...
Moses was married to a daughter of Jethro, the priest of Midian. One day, Moses was tending his father-in-law’s flock near Horeb, the mountain of God. As Moses walked along, something strange caught ...
When he was grown, Moses fought to protect another slave and ended up killing an Egyptian. So he fled to Midian, and after forty years, God called to him from a burning bush to free God’s people.