Two South African potjie enthusiasts, Karl Tessendorf and Greg Golowey, have mixed together not only a wealth of actual ...
A book that examines decisions made within the Kremlin in its quest to become a global superpower has won a top Canadian ...
Teenage Cancer Trust has revealed that The Cure’s Robert Smith will be curating its concert series at the Royal Albert Hall ...
In a new book, author John Green writes about visiting a tuberculosis hospital in Sierra Leone, where he met a TB patient not ...
Teenage Cancer Trust has revealed that The Cure’s Robert Smith will curate Teenage Cancer Trust at the Royal Albert Hall in ...
MOM: 60 yrs old. A caring, earthy Polish American from Buffalo, NY who loves cooking for the town's soup kitchen. BEV: (PRECAST) 35 yrs old. A tough, playful older sister, controls every room.
This new book is not just an archive of spices from the Indian subcontinent, but is also an invitation to play with them and ...
GelberPrize To Run the World: The Kremlin's Cold War Bid for Global Power (Cambridge University Press) selected as the best non-fiction book ...
Robert J. Mrazek is a master at reinventing himself. He was a Suffolk County legislator in the late 1970s, represented New ...
Kathmandu: Ten writers from Nepal will join as speakers at the Kalinga Literary Festival in India. Nepalese billionaire, ...
The lawyer and activist on Heart Lamp, her collection of stories, translated from the Kannada original by Deepa Bhasthi, that ...