The entire 7.5MW array is expected to save around 7.115 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions and provide around 10,000 ...
If you subscribe to a panel here, you’re gonna pay about $8 dollars but get about $5 back in credit," says Hawley.
A Greenville Solar Farm coming in June aims to eliminate carbon emissions. The Greenville Utilities Commission is leading the ...
A new solar project, called Waterloo Solar, will supply 100% of its output to Meta under a newly-signed power purchase ...
Xcel Energy is announcing the operation of the Chippewa Sun solar array in the Town of Hallie. This is the large solar farm at the intersection of 143rd Street and 40th Avenue. According to a press ...
A green energy firm that helps keeps the lights on for more than 20,000 Britons is on the verge of going bust. Ripple Energy, a renewable energy generation firm, asks customers to chip in money to ...
Doral Renewables LLC, a leading developer, owner, and operator of renewable energy projects, has announced the appointment of ...
RWE, Germany's largest utility, on Thursday said it would cut investments by more than a fifth until the end of the decade, ...