A multiyear cleanup at a former U.S. air base in Vietnam was abruptly halted when the Trump administration cut funding, ...
The tariffs war ignited by Donald Trump will eventually run out of steam, but it’s what we do before then that really matters ...
Trump will wreck the global liberal trading order. Canada should accept China’s invitation to mend ties and build a new order ...
As Donald Trump and Kamala Harris faced off in the 2024 U.S. presidential race, Estonian and Taiwanese troops were training ...
Several EU nations are reassessing their ties with Beijing because of the widening US-Europe divide, says China analyst Sari Arto Havren - Anadolu Ajansı ...
The war game between the U.S., Japan and South Korea advanced interoperability and readiness across multiple warfare areas.
The UAE is an ally in curbing Iran's influence, improving Arab relations with Israel and advancing technological cooperation ...
Trump administration's reverse Kissinger strategy appears more like wishful thinking than a comprehensive, actionable policy ...
It's a weird time when your friends become almost as problematic as your potential enemies, but that's the situation we face, ...
At a former American air base in southern Vietnam, work abruptly stopped last month on efforts to clean up tons of soil ...
With a more transactional US administration in power, India is cautious about bearing the costs and pressures of confronting ...