Actor Paresh Ganatra, who started his acting career with Gujarati theatre in 1984, recently recalled losing a large sum of money during the Harshad Mehta scam in 1992. He shared that the close ...
It saw Pratik Gandhi essay the role of Harshad Mehta and walk away with glory. Scam 1992 actor Paresh Ganatra was scammed during the Harshad Mehta scam: “All my savings were wiped out” The ...
Paresh Ganatra shared that he lost Rs 75,000 of his savings during the Harshad Mehta scam in 1992. He revealed that this personal experience inspired him to act in Hansal Mehta's web series Scam 1992.
Paresh Ganatra on losing money to Harshad Mehta During his appearance on Digital Commentary`s podcast, Paresh said, "I was working then and my salary was Rs 5,000 per month. I had Rs 75,000 in ...
In the fraud, many people lost their hard-earned money, and Paresh Ganatra was also one of them. When the actor came to know about the show, he insisted on being part of it, stating that at the ...
Recently, Paresh Ganatra, who played a small yet impactful role in the film, revealed that his popular dialogue was improvised by Nana Patekar, whose comic brilliance in Welcome continues to be ...