Today, Governor Pritzker signed HB 633, “The Garden Act” to protect the right to grow vegetables in a garden on residential property. Apparently some municipalities have attempted to regulate gardens ...
Facebook user Joy Schreiber noticed that the Illinois Bingo License and Tax Act permits local governments to conduct BINGO games “subject to” the restriction of a $10 maximum prize value for each game ...
During this week’s “meeting of one” at the village of Dolton, Mayor Tiffany Henyard thought it would be a good idea to have her alleged personal criminal defense attorneys, Beau Brindley and Ed ...
We recently exposed payroll records for the Health Department that indicated a person was working when in reality they were ...
As further evidence that there was a previous unlawful appointment of Shelby County Board Member Teresa Boehm to the Rose ...
In a case which should have never been brought, the Appellate Court upheld the Calumet City Electoral Board’s decision to ...
The Pecatonica Township Clerk has allegedly taken it upon herself to remove candidates from the ballot for “apparent nonconforming” petitions, ...
Mattoon School District #2 Board Member John Hedges has filed three false Statement of Economic Interest forms in at least the past two years. True and correct SEIs ...
For years we have said legal opinions need to be in writing. A written opinion tells the public the reasoning for the opinion expressed, and from that, people can learn many things. In the case of ...
Thornton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henyard streamed a live video this evening from the comfort of her soon-to-be-former office at Thornton Township. Henyard’s video from today was nothing but ...