Välisministeeriumis teeniv poeg on kodutalus käimas. Samal ajal kui ta laseb seaprael ja hautatud kaalikatel hea maitsta, toob ema tagakambrist välja uhiuue lambavillast vammuse ja näitab seda uhkelt ...
The Andrus Center for Public Policy advances the legacy issues of former Idaho Governor and Secretary of the Interior, Cecil D. Andrus — wise use of our environmental resources and public lands, ...
"We fully respect Milos’ decision as we are sure this is not one he made easily," said Kelly Murumets, president and CEO, Tennis Canada. "Milos represents Canada proudly week after week around ...
Tennis Canada CEO Kelly Murumets told the *Toronto Star*: "I’m not sure she’s hesitating, really and truly. I think she’s trying to come off the Melbourne disappointment. "While I’m wildly ...
MONTREAL - Kelly Murumets is the new president and chief executive officer of Tennis Canada. The Toronto resident is the former head of the federal government sports and fitness program ...