The three rescued cubs were relatively healthy but thin after it was determined the mother was absent for about two weeks ...
A proponent of an open season on mountain lions says a bill allowing year-round hunting would save Wyoming’s prized mule deer ...
House Bill 286, “Mountain lion hunting season-changes,” would throw out the fundamental structure of current lion management: ...
A bill that would deregulate killing and mandate trapping throughout the state stems from concerns over struggling mule deer, ...
MCLEOD — According to Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, mountain lions are thriving once again in the state, and one woman ...
According to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, mountain lions are thriving once again in the state, and one woman had an ...
MCLEOD — According to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, mountain lions are thriving once again in the state, and one woman ...
Mark Miedema, 10, was eaten alive in front of his mum, dad and younger sister after being set upon by the beast as the family ...
Mark Miedema, 10 was hiking in the mountains with his parents and younger sister when he was brutally savaged by a mountain ...
A home security camera recently captured the mountain lion walking away with a cat in its jaws in a Santa Cruz Mountains neighborhood. A woman shared the video on Facebook and said the mountain lion ...
Home security video shows a mountain lion in a Santa Cruz Mountains neighborhood walking away with a cat in its jaws and residents who want to scare the cougar off say they don't have many options.