Soon we’ll be asking ourselves, “What happened to our freedom of speech and our other First Amendment rights?” Answer: Donald ...
As a federal judge, Maryanne Trump Barry said the provision is unconstitutionally vague. That's especially problematic when ...
On Friday, Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti sent an amicus brief to the US Supreme Court in support of President ...
The Supreme Court has not directly addressed the issue of immigrants’ free speech rights since the Red Scare of the 1940s and ...
The U.S. government repeatedly tried to deport the midcentury labor leader over his alleged ties to the Communist Party.
The First Amendment’s free speech protection is under siege by the Trump administration and that should bother every American ...
President Trump’s declaration of war as a justification for using wartime powers to sidestep constitutional protections is ...
Following the Donald Trump Administration’s cancellation of $400 million in grants to Columbia University over campus ...
Politicians and wealthy special interests are trying to rewrite the rules to further keep the power of constitutional ...
Gov. Sarah Sanders and her Republican legislative leaders signaled in January that they would stall on their promise to ...
Democratic attorneys general have the ability to challenge Trump in a way that Democratic members of Congress cannot.
First introduced in 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment has met the requirements for ratification. But its constitutionality is ...