A VALENCIA scammer made over €2.7 million over six years by running multiple cons and used 55 identities to open 364 bank ...
IMAGINE a startup that struggles to get to market, but faces endless delays. In the end, their idea that could change the ...
THE Guardia Civil is investigating whether the alleged killer of 37-year-old Belfast man John George, whose body was found on ...
RESPECTED travel publication Lonely Planet has revealed their top ten beaches in the world and this Spanish destination has ...
Eine Frau starb am Montag, nachdem sie zu nahe an ein Bahngleis in Alicante geratenwar und vom Windschatten eines ...
VON ALEX TRELINSKI Eine Jugendliche kämpft um ihr Leben, nachdem sie bei einem Selfie auf einer Brücke an einem Bahnhof auf ...
VON ALEX TRELINSKI Fast drei Viertel der Touristenwohnungen in Alicante sind laut einem Bericht der Stadtverwaltung nicht ...
VON WALTER FINCH Die Rentenleistungen der spanischen Rentner sind seit 2018 um ein Drittel gestiegen - und damit dramatisch ...
A LOCAL police chief in Valencia province and a fellow officer are being investigated for allegedly supplying information to ...
A TOWN on Ibiza has set a new record for Spanish second-hand property prices according to a report from the Fotocasa real ...
THESE are the biggest drug consuming countries in Europe- with Spain high on the list. Almost a third of all Europeans have ...
A SUPREME Court judge says some squatters in Spain should be charged with fraud to help landlords get them evicted quickly.