Village of Lemont, IL | Home
Visit all things in Downtown Lemont from shopping, eating and drinking, to exploring, how to celebrate and the latest news! Check out our Event and Signature Event page too!
About Lemont | Village of Lemont, IL
Lemont’s 19th Century charm is preserved in the signature view of the Village set on a bluff overlooking the lush Des Plaines River Valley, buttressed by the ornate steeples of seven churches, Lemont offers a peaceful atmosphere unique to the Chicagoland area.
History | Village of Lemont, IL
Lemont became a "wide open" town in those years to accommodate a population of 10,000 people. The downtown area known as "Smokey Row" with its bars and brothels gained notoriety as the wildest, most sinful street in the country.
Village of Lemont, IL | Home
Visit all things in downtown Lemont, from shopping, eating and drinking, to exploring, how to celebrate and the latest news! Check out our Event and Signature Event page too!
Village of Lemont, IL | Home
Visit all things in Downtown Lemont from shopping, eating and drinking, to exploring, how to celebrate and the latest news! Check out our Event and Signature Event page too!
Government | Village of Lemont, IL
Community Event Calendar | Village of Lemont, IL
About Lemont Community Organizations Community Statistics History Real Estate & Housing Taxing Districts Village Maps Community Event Calendar Hometown Heroes Banner Program Information ADA Compliance Adjudication Process Building Permit Applications Citizen's Guide to Radon Communication Guide for Residents Electrical Aggregation
Mayor John Egofske | Village of Lemont, IL
Located just 25 miles from downtown Chicago, Lemont residents have easy access to world class attractions. We are situated in a unique setting, rising above the Des Plaines River valley which showcases a landscape of charming church steeples and …
Online Payments | Village of Lemont, IL
Please see below for the payment or information type to be directed to the appropriate location. Utility Bill Payment Click to Pay Your Water Bill Payment If you have set up a User Profile, click on the Pay Your Water Bill Payment link above. In order to create a User Profile, you will need your utility bill account number, your name as it appears on your bill (in all caps), and an email ...
Heritage Quarries Recreation Area | Village of Lemont, IL
The Village of Lemont's Heritage Quarries Recreation Area is home to The Forge: Lemont Quarries, a year-round outdoor adventure course featuring ziplining and ropes courses, kids zone, paddleboats and kayaks, a bike park with pump track, cafe, and entertainment.