Google Chrome - The Fast & Secure Web Browser Built to be Yours
Chrome is the official web browser from Google, built to be fast, secure, and customizable. Download now and make it yours.
Fazer o download e instalar o Google Chrome
Você pode baixar e instalar o navegador da Web Chrome sem custos financeiros e usá-lo para navegar na Web. Como instalar o Chrome. Importante: antes de baixar, confira se o Chrome é compatível com seu sistema operacional e outros requisitos do sistema. Windows
Google Chrome Web Browser
Download Chrome on your mobile device or tablet and sign into your account for the same browser experience, everywhere.
Navegador web Google Chrome
Para Windows 11/10 64-bit. Quero atualizar o Chrome. Para Windows 11 ARM. Quero atualizar o Chrome. Para Windows XP/Vista. ... Ao fazer o download do Chrome, ...
Download and install Google Chrome
You can download and install the Chrome web browser at no charge, and use it to browse the web. How to install Chrome. Important: Before you download, you can check if Chrome supports your operating system and other system requirements. Windows
Google Chrome – Download the fast, secure browser from Google
Get more done with the new Google Chrome. A more simple, secure and faster web browser than ever, with Google’s smarts built in. Download now.
Google Chrome - Google の高速で安全なブラウザをダウンロード
Chrome は、 Windows や Mac の オペレーティング システムを 搭載した デバイスに 対応しています (最小システム要件を 満たしている 場合)。
Google Chrome – The Fast and Secure Web Browser Built to be …
Chrome is the official web browser from Google, built to be fast, secure and customisable. Download now and make it yours.
Browser web Google Chrome
Per installare Chrome, ti basta scaricare il file di installazione e cercarlo nella cartella dei download. Apri il file e segui le istruzioni.
Google Chrome – den schnellen und sicheren Browser von Google …
Noch effizienter arbeiten mit dem neuen Google Chrome. Der Webbrowser mit der Technologie von Google ist jetzt noch einfacher, sicherer und schneller. Jetzt herunterladen.