Lex Wilson
I'm Lex Wilson, a British designer specialising in 3D typography. My process begins in freehand using traditional tools. I often digitise my works for publishing, editorial and print production.
Lex Wilson - Millionaire magazine: cover
I was commissioned to design the cover for the March 2022 issue of Millionaire Magazine.
Lex Wilson - New Scientist Cover
The editorial brief was to create a confusing labyrinth of stairs to convey the difficulties of navigating the new era of big data. I decided to incorporate the words 'cause' and 'effect' as a …
Lex Wilson - 3D Typography Paintings
Here are a selection of my 3D typography paintings. I use high-flow acrylic on stretched canvas.
Lex Wilson - 3D Type: Collection #1
3D Type: Collection #1. An ongoing series of experiments with type, mainly in 3D and with perspective. [2013 - 2017]
Lex Wilson - Two-Faced Type
Love & Hate - I decided to tweak the 'E' character, so I did a bit of sketching halfway through the modelling process!
Lex Wilson - Nike: Tee design
I was commissioned by Nike to produce a T-Shirt design for Summer ‘18, incorporating their iconic JUST DO IT tagline composed of buildings within a city - the city representing a huge …
Lex Wilson - 3D Type: Collection #5
3D Type: Collection #5. ↑ Back to Top
Lex Wilson - About
I'm fascinated by semantics, visual cues and symbolism. I'm fascinated by cognitive biases and the readiness of the human brain to be fooled by optical illusion.
Lex Wilson - New Scientist: Anamorphic Illustration
Part 1: An anamorphic illustration to be printed across the centre spread of the magazine. Part 2: On the reverse side, a short editorial piece on the history of anamorphic art, and a sequential …